Splódar Theatre Company presents

The Last Prime Minister of Ireland

Dates: 27th May 2023
Cost: £12 (+ £1.50 non refundable booking fee)
Time: 8:00pm

Tension and comedy come together in this historical drama, where family dynamics provide much of the intrigue, and no one is who they seem.

On the morning of his wife’s funeral in January 1941 David Lloyd George is forced to confront his past political and personal behaviour. In his dealings with Ireland he stands
accused of deceiving both the unionist and nationalist communities but it is the betrayal of his family and his native Wales that torture the former Prime Minister most. Through interactions with his daughter Megan, and Philip Noel Baker, founder of the United Nations, you will question if the historic figure often credited with winning the Great War was a hero or a villain.

“Really brilliant…whilst serious there is so much lightness and humour” AudienceMember, Sligo

“Outstanding performances…there is so much that resonates with everyone. It kept us gripped for the full production” Audience Member, Sligo

“Very clever play” Audience Member, Carrick-on-Shannon